WMO Call for Candidates

  • Petugas Web
  • 15 Jul 2022
WMO Call for Candidates


The WMO is looking for:

Experts for Developing the WMO publication- Basic Instructional Package for Climate Science and Services (BIP-CS)

Short-term contractor

The Commission for Weather, Climate, Water and Related Environmental Services and Applications (Services Commission or SERCOM) is charged with leading and coordinating the promotion, development and implementation of globally harmonized weather, climate, water, ocean and environment-related services and applications to enable informed decision-making and realization of socioeconomic benefits by all user communities and society as a whole.
SERCOM operates through several Standing Committees and Working Groups. The Standing Committee on Climate Services (SC-CLI) provides guidance and technical advice on good practices for producing climate information, communication and delivery of tailored products and services, and supporting country-level delivery of climate services under the umbrella of the Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS). The Expert Team on Capacity Development and Communications (ET-CDC) of the SC-CLI will support this work by reviewing and enhancing the competency requirements for quality management standards for climate services and providing capacity-building support on climate applications and services, including basic climate understanding for users. The forthcoming expected output mandated to the SC-CLI is to develop a Basic Instructional Package for Climate Services (BIP-CS).

The consultancy for developing the BIP-CS will compose two components that should complement each other in one publication: a) Climate Science and Services and b) Education, Training and Learning Outcomes aspect of the BIP-CS.

Under the overall guidance and supervision of the Senior Scientific Officer, Climate Services Branch, the incumbent will perform the following duties:

  1. Review the existing WMO references and resource materials on education and training, competency of staff;
  2. Review the approaches for human resource educational qualification and skill-based competency development in academia, training institutions and Regional Training Centres (RTCs) to address the advantages and disadvantages of both in BIP-CS;
  3. Review the Basic Instructional Package for Meteorologists (BIP-M) and Meteorological Technicians (BIP-MT) to find the complementary areas with BIP-CS;
  4. Consult further references and valid information that the Secretariat will make available in a shared folder on the subject matter of this Terms of Reference;
  5. Further extract key questions, approaches and target audience for the BIP-CS;
  6. Further consult and liaise with the lead of the BIP-CS Task Team to provide the structure and titles for the climate science and services component of the BIP-CS;
  7. Further identify key questions, approaches and target audience for, who will be the main user of the BIP-CS;
  8. Constitute the structure of the BIP-CS and the list of contents, in harmony with BIP-M/MT;
  9. Compile the identified sections, add references, endnotes and required figures or images in the BIP-CS and settle the copyright issues with the sources or information providers;
  10. Liaise with the Senior Scientific Officer (SSO) in the Climate Services Branch (CS) of WMO and the ET-CDC to report the progress of work and ensure that the expected output is fulfilled,
  11. Consult with the ETR Branch of WMO to ensure that the BIP-CS will be developed in compliance with the latest WMO policy on education, training and human resources development.

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  • 04 Desember 2024, 21:21:38 WIB
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  • Dirasakan (Skala MMI): III - IV Aceh Jaya, III - IV Pidie Jaya, II Banda Aceh, II Aceh Besar
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  • Pusat gempa berada di darat 33 Km barat daya Pidie Jaya
  • Dirasakan (Skala MMI): III - IV Aceh Jaya, III - IV Pidie Jaya, II Banda Aceh, II Aceh Besar
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