Annoucement Prequalification International Tender Maritime Meteorological System 2 Indonesia

  • Petugas Web
  • 28 Nov 2019
Annoucement Prequalification International Tender Maritime Meteorological System 2 Indonesia

The Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi, dan Geofisika (BMKG) has received funds from Agence Francaise de Developpement ("AFD") toward the cost of the Development of Marine Observation Infrastructure and Forecasting Technology for Maritime Meteorological System - 2 and it intends to apply part of the funds to payments under the contract for the implementation of this project. The Employer intends to initially select a maximum of 5 (five) firms for i) providing and install equipment for marine observation and data collection, ii) developping a Met Ocean Forecasting Center and the production & dissemination system, iii) building the Disaster Recovery Center and iv) providing adequate capactiy buidling and training to BMKG. It is expected that invitations for bid will be made in November 28, 2019 until January 27, 2020.

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Gempabumi Terkini

  • 18 September 2024, 14:56:03 WIB
  • 3.1
  • 5 km
  • 7.21 LS - 107.66 BT
  • Pusat gempa berada di darat 25 km Tenggara Kab. Bandung
  • Dirasakan (Skala MMI): II Kertasari, II Pasirwangi, II Samarang
  • Selengkapnya →
  • Pusat gempa berada di darat 25 km Tenggara Kab. Bandung
  • Dirasakan (Skala MMI): II Kertasari, II Pasirwangi, II Samarang
  • Selengkapnya →

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